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Deeper Still (audiobook)
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Deeper Still (audiobook)

Finding Clear Minds and Full Hearts through Biblical Meditation

Finding clear minds and full hearts through biblical meditation.

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We live in a fast-paced world, and our minds are working in overdrive. Mindfulness promises a method of tuning out the voices for a few minutes to live in the moment. Biblical meditation offers something better: an opportunity to be transformed by God's voice of truth.

Psalm 1 says that the person who delights in God’s word and meditates on it day and night is like a “tree planted by streams of water”. Linda Allcock gives us a framework to help us slow down and dwell deeply on God’s word so that it clears our minds and fills our hearts, making a real difference to the way we live.

This book will help Christians who feel overwhelmed by their thought life, as well as those who want to go deeper in their devotional life.

Full of down-to-earth anecdotes and practical advice, this warm and accessible book is designed to help make biblical meditation part of your everyday life.

Product details


  • Section 1: Still Your Mind
    1. He, Not Me
    2. Source, Not steam
    3. Be, Not Do
    Section 2: Fill Your Heart
    4. Lord
    5. Look
    6. Turn
    7. Learn
    Section 3: Feed Day and Night
    8. Awakening Delight
    9. Growing Obedience
    10. Standing through Storms


Contributors Linda Allcock, Rachel Redeemed
ISBN 9781802540185
Format Audiobook
First published September 2020
Case quantity 50
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company
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