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Men of God ebook

Becoming the man God wants you to be

from 1 review

Encourages Christian men to live for Christ; in their homes, workplaces, leisure and in their churches.

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Has there ever been a more urgent time for Christian men to stand up and be counted? Family life is being systematically destroyed in our culture. Biblical Christianity is being undermined from within the historic denominations. The demands and insecurity of working life are increasing.

This book is designed to encourage Christian men to live for Christ: in their homes; in their workplaces; in their leisure; and in their churches. It is a resource for developing strong men's ministries in the local church which will lead to the mutual nurture, support and encouragement of men to keep going in our resolve to know Christ and to make Him known.

Includes contributions from John Benton, Richard Coekin, Phillip Jensen, David Jackman, Hugh Palmer, Vaughan Roberts, William Taylor, Rico Tice, John Tindall, Trevor Archer & Tim Thornborough.

Product details


  • Preface

  • Part 1: Men and the Gospel
    1. How the gospel shapes us - Richard Coekin
    2. Men of God - Phillip Jensen

  • Part 2: Living for Christ
    3. Men and God - John Benton
    4. Men and Singleness - Vaughan Roberts
    5. Men and Marriage - David Jackman
    6. Men and Fatherhood - Trevor Archer
    7. Men and Church - Hugh Palmer
    8. Men and Work - Tim Thornborough
    9. Men and Witness - Rico Tice
    10. Men and Discipling - William Taylor
    11. Men and Leisure - John Tindall

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Contributors Phillip D Jensen, John Benton, Vaughan Roberts, David Jackman, Tim Chester, Richard Coekin, Hugh Palmer, Rico Tice, William Taylor, John Tindall, Tim Thornborough, Trevor Archer
ISBN 9781908317292
Format eBook
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

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Find out what others are saying about 'Men of God' here


Don Carson

Co-founder, The Gospel Coalition; Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

With men being tugged in so many directions these days, it is a pleasure to recommend a book that faithfully reflects so much Scripture and that presents the application of that Scripture in faithful and sensible ways. That the book is set up as the sort of thing that could be used in small groups of men is an added bonus. Highly recommended.

R. Albert Mohler Jr

President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

The contemporary confusion about manhood and masculinity betrays even deeper confusions. This becomes clear when you consider the desperate need for the recovery of biblical manhood in contemporary Christianity. That is why Men of God: Becoming the Man God Wants You to Be is so important. This book contains timely and faithful advice that both individuals and churches will find helpful.

Mike McKinley

Pastor of Guilford Baptist Church, Virginia; author of Passion and Church Planting is for Wimps

This material is excellent.  Whereas much of what is written for men is either simplistic or moralistic, Men of God is thorough, Biblical, and gospel-saturated.  It speaks directly to men and offers guidance and hope in the many different arenas in which their discipleship is played out.

Customer reviews

Dec. 19, 2012

“Encouraging book”

(Review written for 'Men of God')

Men of God is an encouraging book that should be a source of strength and education for men who are seeking to obey Christ.

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Men of God (ebook) | Phillip D Jensen, John Benton, Vaughan Roberts, David Jackman, Tim Chester, Ric… |