“Can we trust Jesus? Even in a post-Christian world?”
“I think this is one of my favorite Christian authors,” I said to my husband one evening. I had read the Big Questions series by Chris Morphew to my son a few years earlier, and that evening, I had just finished his new book Worth It, which may be one of my favorite Christian books for youth living in a post-Christian, post-churched, and post-reached world.
Morphew understands the struggles and issues that youth (and adults) are encountering in today’s post-Christian culture. Whether that is feeling narrow-minded or intolerant for holding Christian beliefs, doubting if God is really loving, or wondering if you are on the “wrong side of history.” The main theme of the book is whether or not following Christ is worth the hassle–and if it can even make a difference in our lives now.
I loved his reminder that "[Jesus] didn't say, I have come that they may have all the facts about God perfectly arranged inside their heads. He said, 'I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.'" Morphew provides a well-rounded book that reminds us that we can trust Jesus, even in a complicated time.