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Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships? (audiobook)

Does the Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships? (audiobook)

Examining 10 Claims about Scripture and Sexuality

Examines the arguments used to claim that the Bible affirms same-sex relationships. 

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You may have heard the claim that the Bible, when read correctly, is not against believers entering monogamous, faithful same-sex relationships. The arguments sound quite compelling. "Jesus never talked about same-sex relationships.” “Paul was only condemning exploitative relationships, not consensual ones." “We don’t keep the Old Testament food laws, so why would we keep the ones on same-sex sex?” “If God is love, he can’t be against relationships of love.” And more. Have Christians through the ages just been getting this one wrong?

In this concise book, Rebecca McLaughlin looks at ten of the most common arguments used to claim that the Bible affirms same-sex sexual relationships. She analyzes the arguments and associated Bible passages one by one to uncover what the Bible really says.

For Rebecca, as someone with a lifelong history of same-sex attraction, this is not just an academic question. But rather than concluding that the Bible does affirm same-sex marriage, she points readers to the gospel purpose of male-female marriage, a different kind of gospel-centered love between believers of the same sex, and God's life-and-love-filled vision for singleness.

Rebecca McLaughlin gained a PhD from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill Seminary in London before working at The Veritas Forum. She is the author of the award-winning Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World’s Largest Religion and a regular contributor for The Gospel Coalition.

Product details


  • Introduction: A Tale of Two Testimonies

    Claim 1: Christians Should Just Focus on the Gospel Message of Jesus’ Love

    Claim 2: Jesus Was Silent on Same-Sex Relationships

    Claim 3: God’s Judgment on Sodom Isn’t a Judgment on Same-Sex Relationships

    Claim 4: It’s Inconsistent to Keep the Old Testament Laws on Same-Sex Sex but Not Shellfish

    Claim 5: Paul Condemns Exploitative Same-Sex Relationships, Not Consensual Ones

    Claim 6: The Word Homosexual Wasn’t Used in Bibles until 1946. It’s a Misinterpretation

    Claim 7: Paul Was Condemning Excessive Lust, Not Same-Sex Sexual Orientation

    Claim 8: The Trajectory of the Bible Is Toward Abolishing Slavery and Affirming Same-Sex Marriage

    Claim 9: Unchosen Celibacy Yields Bad Fruit

    Claim 10: A God of Love Can’t Be Against Relationships of Love



Contributors Rebecca McLaughlin
Format Audiobook
First published May 2024
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company
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